What are the effects of alcohol and other drugs?
There are many ways that alcohol and other drugs can affect you, both physically and mentally.
Drugs can have ‘depressant’, ‘stimulant’, or ‘hallucinogenic’ effects (read our factsheet to find out more). Alcohol and drugs affect the way that your brain processes and responds to information, as well as how your brain develops. Learn more about how alcohol, cannabis, and MDMA (ecstasy) affect your brain in these videos.
The effects of alcohol and other drugs can differ from person to person based on body size, general health, amount of drug used, the drug’s potency (strength), and the situation in which it is taken. In addition to the immediate or short-term effects, drugs can have effects that persist for hours or even days after the drug is taken.
To learn about the short and long-term effects of specific drugs check out our Drugs A-Z factsheets.