Teacher resources


Teachers & Schools

Teacher advice and information to help you talk
to your students about drugs and alcohol

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Recommended programs

OurFutures: Alcohol & Cannabis Module

OurFutures is a curriculum-aligned program combining six episodes of a cartoon-based drama with interactive class activities. The program takes a harm minimisation approach and is based on a comprehensive social influence and skill development model. OurFutures was developed in Australia in consultation with students. It is the only Australian school-based drug and alcohol prevention program to receive the highest evidence rating from the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Other modules in the OurFutures suite include an alcohol only module, ecstasy & emerging drugs module, a cannabis & psychostimulant module, and a mental health module.

Years: 8, 9, and 10
Evidence Rating: Platinum- this resources is supported by a systematic review.

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.


School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project

SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project

SHAHRP is a classroom-based program aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm and risky alcohol consumption. Program activities incorporate various strategies for interaction including delivery of utility information, skill rehearsal, individual and small group decision making, and discussions based on scenarios suggested by students. The SHAHRP program was developed with students and teachers, and reflects the life experiences of young people, while also fitting well within the school curriculum.

Years: 8 and 9
Evidence Rating: Gold- this resources is supported by multiple published studies.

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.


Resilient Families Program

The Resilient Families Program is a school- and family-based intervention to prevent adolescent alcohol use and related-harms. The program aims to improve students’ adjustment to secondary school by increasing family involvement and enhancing parent education opportunities. The student curriculum is a 10-week program, delivered to Year 7 students by their classroom teachers, and covers topics such as communication skills, emotional awareness, conflict resolution, stress reduction, responsibilities in the family, and changes that occur in families.

Years: 7
Evidence Rating: Gold- this resources is supported by multiple published studies.

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.



Preventure is a school-based intervention aimed at reducing drug and alcohol use and improving emotional well-being. Students with certain ‘personality profiles’ (hopelessness, anxiety sensitivity, sensation-seeking and impulsivity), identified by a screening questionnaire, are invited to participate in two 90-minute workshops. The workshops focus on motivating teenagers to understand how their personality style leads to certain emotional and behavioural reactions. 

The program is administered within classrooms by a trained facilitator and co-facilitator. Facilitators can be teachers or mental health practitioners (e.g., clinical psychologists).

Years: 8 and 9
Evidence Rating: Gold- this resources is supported by multiple published studies.

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.


The Positive Choices portal provides access to over 15 programs that are recommended for implementation in schools and have proven evidence of benefits for wellbeing and alcohol and other drug prevention. 

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.

OurFutures: Alcohol & Cannabis Module

OurFutures is a curriculum-aligned program combining six episodes of a cartoon-based drama with interactive class activities. The program takes a harm minimisation approach and is based on a comprehensive social influence and skill development model. OurFutures was developed in Australia in consultation with students. It is the only Australian school-based drug and alcohol prevention program to receive the highest evidence rating from the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Other modules in the OurFutures suite include an alcohol only module, ecstasy & emerging drugs module, a cannabis & psychostimulant module, and a mental health module.

Years: 8, 9, and 10
Evidence Rating: Platinum- this resources is supported by a systematic review.

View the full collection of Recommended Programs here.


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It's important to know the facts and dispel myths about alcohol and other drugs. Positive Choices provides factual and evidence-based information you can rely on. Test your knowledge in our quiz.

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The majority of teenagers are using cannabis.


Heard a term/drug name & not sure what it means?

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“I'm not specifically trained in this area, so well informed, up to date resources are essential to inform my teaching.”

- Health and Physical Education curriculum coordinator

Evidence-based teacher drug information booklet

Teacher booklet

This information booklet is part of a series developed for teachers, parents and students providing evidence-based about illegal drugs, their use and effects

Looking for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander resources?

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Drug prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth

An overview of what works, what's uncertain, and doesn't work, in terms of drug & alcohol prevention in the classroom.

Evidence Rating:
bronze medal
Evidence Rating:
bronze medal

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