Tru Tok: Yumpla go yan abaut alcohol ane drugs - Torres Strait Islander Creole

  • Aboriginal artwork orange icon on pink background

This resource has undergone expert review.

Year 7–8, Year 9–10, Year 11–12




Content Especially Suited For

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders

Key messazes blo dis fact sheet e:

Tru Tok: Yumpla go yan abaut alcohol ane drugs

E important po sabe uda e yuze drugs ane alcohol. We go luk pass wanem ol lie yu mait be lesen abaut alcohol ane drugs, ane spik yu dem prapa facts.

LIE: Ol spik ebribodi e yuze alcohol ane drugs, mainly ol young pipol uda Aboriginals ane Torres Strait Islanders.

TRU: E mait luk olsem ebribodi e drink or teke drugs prom wanem yu luk lo TV or der lo Internet but e no tru.  Most dem young pipol uda aze blo yu, ol no drink alcohol or smok en dempla no lego drugs.  Ip yu no teki drugs or alcohol den yu part ob da bigger group uda nor tusse dem ting.

70% ob ol Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Islander piknini uda aze prom15-19 years old no bin tusse smok in dempla laip.

LIE: Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Ailan pipol e drink mo alcohol den ol non indigenous pipol.

TRU: E gad mo Aboriginal ane Tores Stret Ailan big pipol ane young pipol uda no drink alcohol den ol non-Indigenous big pipol ane young pipol.

  • Ol spik 27% ob ol Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Ailan young pipol no bin trai alcohol, ane 22% non-Indigenous youth no bin trai em tu.
  • Ol spik 31% ob ol Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Ailan big pipol no drink eni alcohol, ane gad 23% ob non-Indigenous pipol no drink.

LIE: E saip po drive apta yu smok marijuana

TRU: Wen yu smok marijuana e slow down brain blo yu en e sainzee spirit blo yu en e mekem harder po tink stret po wanem yu trai po mekem ane ard po mubi bodi blo yu.

Ip yu uzey marijuana ane yu drive car or boat, yu go be 3 taims mo laikly po crash da car or boat ane hurt yuselp or sumwan else apta yu smok marijuana den ip yu bin soba wan.

No piget, marijuana e sainzee da wei yu tink ane act so e mina important po stap saip ane no drive apta yu smok marijuana.

We go luk mo abaut dis in da fact sheets: Cannabis Yarns, Gunja Brain Story

LIE: Ol Smok e part ob culture blo Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Ailan pipol.

TRU: Yu ken gib up smok eben ip yumpla seya ol smok ebritaim lo wananada, ol smok e no part ob traditional culture blo yumi. Aboriginal culture e mo den 60,000 years old. E be gad some komyunities be kai kai ol plant wanem be gad nicotine inside, but ol Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Islander pipol bin only sabe abaut smok 300-400 years ago.


LIE: E tu ard po gib up smok cause yumpla seya lo wananada.

TRU: Yu ken gib up smok eben ip yumpla seya ol smok ebritaim lo wananada. E mait go be ard po spik no, po smok, wen ebriwan e smok, but e gad plenty ob wei’s po no smok.

Wanem yu ken mekem ip sumbodi e akse yu ip yu wande smok:

 Tok stret. Yu ken spik po dempla wai yu no wande da smok olsem “I e rather uzey my taim po plei sports”

 Meke ol excuse, olsem  “No, I rait, I gad sore throat”

 Uzey ol ‘delay tactics’, po delay dempla, olsem “bumbai bala I go legor wan apta”.

 Repeat yuselp: ip ol kip akse yu, kip spik ‘no’ po dempla, gud wei’s.

 Cruise go nuda wei ip sumbodi e stat po oppa yu smok.

 No puti yuselp wair da situation: Trai no po hang raun ol smokers wen yu trai po gib up smok or yu ken akse ol pipol po trai no smok raun yu.

We go luk mo abaut dis in da fact sheets: Don't Make Smokes Your Story

LIE: Aboriginal ane Torres Strait Islander pipol bodi no suit po drink alcohol.

TRU: Ol reasons por ol Alcohol disorder e diprent po ebribodi whether yu e Indigenous or non-indigenous. Po example, ol pipol mait drink cause dempla e gad problems wair laip blo dempla, or maitbi ol nuda pipol e drink alcohol klostun dempla. We go luk mo abaut dis in da fact sheets abaut ow come ol young indigenous pipol e uzey drugs.

Positive Choices artwork by Jenna Lee (Larrakia artist, Gilimbaa).

Page last reviewed: 16/09/2024

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